My favorite place in my home. Peace, creativity, joy, my time to be free. I'm a little late posting these pictures, the sun was going down and they came out a little dark. more about me and more pics tomorrow.
Whether it's a friends kind words, or a simple thing she says or does to make you laugh..... your sister listening with only your feelings in mind....they are angels among us. I believe in them and I am blessed to have them. Remember your ANGELS....because the are definitely among us.
I've been away from my blog for so made it harder every day that passed to just jump back in. I kept thinking about it but nothing would come to me. I had gotten caught up in everyday life. It just happened. So today I spent a little time to myself painting and relaxing. It felt really good. It also inspired me to share and get back to my good old faithful blog. It reminded my that the purpose of my blog was to share art and enjoy other peoples creativity. So here I am with more art to come! Jane
Hi everyone... I'm a mom, a wife, junker, thrifter, shabby girl, artist, pet lover and clearly not a writer. But I'm gonna give it a try. I love going to fleas, creating in my studio, and the Jersey shore.